Of Boxes and Beetroot
During our brief visits to the house before we moved in properly, I pined for all my stuff. I couldn’t tell you what the stuff actually was, but I knew that when I was sitting in my office room in London the shelves behind me were full of comforting stuff, rather than the bare void around me now. Well, the comforting stuff followed us down here, along with all the other stuff from every room in our flat, and now I find myself pining for the simple days when we would spend a few days here in a beautiful void with just essential clothing and a few bits of crockery, leading that simple rural life we’ve all heard about. You don’t have to open many removal cartons before you swear to join the ranks of those artists and idealists who get rid of all their possessions and start all over again. I feel it rather more keenly I suppose, because in a way this country living project carries with it a promise of simplicity. But is it just us? Or does everyone move house by boxing up all the thi...