There's Always Work to Be Done
Wherever you look, artisans are doing things to our properties. In London, we need to get the flat into a condition whereby tenants are less likely to ring on a Saturday night because they’ve seen a moth, or the lights flickered, or they’ve staggered drunkenly against the wooden roof terrace fence, smashed through it and fallen five storeys to their - stop, stop, I get enough exercise thinking about that in the middle of the night, we need not speak of it now. Suffice to say it’s all distressed purchase stuff - anti pigeon spikes on the ledges, an RCD board for the main electrical circuit, and so on. Out West, the horny-handed sons of toil are massing for Home Improvement purposes. The Dirty Dentists laid cream carpets in every room, and any wall that stopped moving for long enough was painted magnolia. Not the kind of thing you can criticise them for, these being nice neutral colours, but after a few weeks of having them permanently imprinted on your retina, the effect is similar to b...